9 Signs Dog is Adjusting to New Home | Lee BonBon Tips & Advice

signs dog is adjusting to new home

When you move to a new home, it can be an exciting yet stressful experience for both you and your dog. Dogs are creatures of habit, and a change in their environment can cause anxiety and stress. Therefore, understanding how your dog adjusts to a new home is essential. By recognizing the signs of adjustment, you can better support your furry friend through this transition period, ensuring they feel safe, secure, and happy in their new surroundings.

In this article, we’ll provide a brief overview of the key ‘9 signs dog is adjusting to new home‘ or ‘9 signs that indicate your dog is adjusting to their new home’. From changes in eating habits to social behaviors and bathroom routines, these signs will help you gauge how well your dog is settling in and what steps you might need to take to assist them further.

Here are 9 signs dog is adjusting to new home:

1. The First Few Days

Initial Anxiety

During the first few days in a new home, it’s common for dogs to experience initial anxiety. You might notice behaviors such as whining, pacing, or even hiding. This is their way of coping with the unfamiliar environment. The sudden change in surroundings can be overwhelming, leading to signs of stress. Providing a calm and reassuring presence, along with familiar items like their bed or favorite toys, can help alleviate their anxiety.

Exploring New Surroundings

As your dog begins to adjust, they’ll start exploring their new surroundings. This exploration is a positive sign that they are becoming more comfortable. You might see them sniffing around different rooms, checking out new spaces, and familiarizing themselves with the new scents and layout of the house. Encouraging this behavior by allowing them to explore at their own pace will help them feel more secure and at ease in their new home.

2. Eating Habits

Changes in Appetite

After moving to a new home, it’s common for dogs to eat less due to stress. This temporary change in appetite usually improves as they become more comfortable.

Regular Eating Patterns

When your dog resumes eating at regular times, it’s a sign they are adjusting. Maintaining a consistent feeding schedule helps reinforce their sense of security in the new environment.

3. Sleeping Patterns


Initially, your dog might experience restlessness at night due to the unfamiliar environment. They might wake up frequently or have trouble settling down.

Settling into a Routine

As your dog adjusts, they will start to sleep more soundly and establish a regular sleeping routine. This indicates they are becoming comfortable in their new home.

4. Social Behavior

When your dog is adjusting to a new home, their interaction with family members will change. Initially, they might be more aloof or clingy as they figure out their new environment. As they become more comfortable, you’ll notice them engaging more naturally with everyone, seeking attention, and enjoying being part of the family.

Increased playfulness and showing affection are strong signs that your dog is happy and settling in. They might bring you their toys, initiate playtime, and enjoy cuddling. These behaviors indicate they are feeling secure and at ease in their new surroundings.

5. Bathroom Habits

During the initial days in a new home, it’s normal for dogs to have accidents in the house as they adjust to the new environment. This can happen due to stress or confusion about where they are supposed to go. Patience is key during this period. Continue with regular potty training routines, and praise them when they go in the correct spot.

As your dog settles in, you’ll notice them establishing a consistent bathroom routine. They will start going to the designated areas more reliably, which is a clear sign that they are becoming accustomed to their new home and feeling more secure.

6. Comfort and Relaxation

As your dog adjusts to their new home, they will begin to find and claim their favorite spots around the house. This could be a cozy corner, a sunny spot by the window, or their bed. Finding these spots is a sign they are starting to feel at home.

Look for signs of relaxation, such as stretching out, rolling over for belly rubs, or lounging comfortably. These behaviors indicate that your dog feels safe and comfortable in their new environment, showing they are well on their way to fully adjusting.

7. Response to Commands

When dogs first move to a new home, they might be less responsive to commands due to the stress and unfamiliarity of the environment. As they begin to adjust, you’ll notice an improvement in their obedience. They will start responding to familiar commands more consistently.

Additionally, as your dog becomes more comfortable, you can introduce new commands. Observing them learn and respond to these new commands is a positive sign that they are mentally engaged and feeling more secure in their new surroundings.

8. Interaction with Other Pets

When introduced to a new home with other pets, your dog might initially exhibit caution. This is normal as they try to understand their new social dynamics and establish their place within the group.

Over time, you’ll notice them starting to bond with the other pets. This can be seen through playful behavior and more relaxed interactions. These signs indicate that your dog is feeling more secure and accepted in their new environment, which helps them adjust more smoothly.

9. Health and Well-being

Maintaining your dog’s weight is a key indicator of their adjustment to a new home. A steady weight suggests they are eating well and not overly stressed. Keep an eye on their diet and ensure they have access to their usual food and treats.

Regular vet visits are also important during this transition period. These check-ups help ensure your dog is healthy and can address any concerns early on. Monitoring their health closely will give you peace of mind and help your dog settle into their new environment more comfortably.


Signs dog is adjusting to new home, can be a challenging time for your dog, but by understanding and observing the signs of their adjustment, you can help make the transition smoother. Key indicators such as changes in eating and sleeping patterns, social behavior, bathroom habits, and interactions with other pets can all provide valuable insights into how well your dog is settling in.

Remember, patience and careful observation are essential during this period. Every dog adjusts at their own pace, so give them the time and support they need to feel comfortable and secure in their new home. With your love and attention, your furry friend will soon feel right at home.


How long does it take for a dog to adjust to a new home?

Adjustment periods can vary, but most dogs start to feel comfortable in a new home within a few weeks.

What can I do to help my dog adjust?

Maintain a consistent routine, provide plenty of love and attention, and give them time to explore and get used to their new surroundings.

Should I be concerned if my dog isn’t adjusting?

If your dog shows prolonged signs of stress or anxiety, it’s a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer.

How can I tell if my dog is happy in its new home?

Look for signs such as regular eating and sleeping patterns, playful behavior, and interaction with family members.

What are some common signs of stress in dogs?

Common signs of stress include excessive barking, whining, hiding, loss of appetite, and changes in bathroom habits.

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